Foreign Contributions Regulations Act 1976 or FCRA is a law of the Government of India which regulates receipt of foreign contributions or aid from outside India to Indian Territory. This is essential to ensure that such aid does not effect political or any other situation in India.
The new FCRA Rules, 2011 effective from 1st May 2011, makes it obligatory for organisations receiving more than INR 1 Crore as foreign donation in a financial year to place the summary data of their receipts in public domain.
FCRA Returns
Our centre is registered under FCRA as The Leprosy Mission Vocational Training Centre, Nashik with registration number 083900005.
Therefore in compliance with this regulation, we are placing the summary information about the foreign contributions that we have received – quarterly and annually.
- FC-6 Form
- Auditor’s Certificate for FC-6 Returns
- Balance Sheet
- Statement of Income & Expenditure
- Statement of Receipts & Payments